Lobsters, here we come. It was Australia day on Tuesday which translated to an extra long weekend!! And what’s more patriotic than making use of that long weekend and trying our luck at catching lobsters. With 10 ¾ adults (10 adults, 1 child and 1 baby), we packed our 3 cars with a boat on tow and set our sat-nav sights on Port MacDonnell. Port Mac is a thriving little fishing town in SA, about 5 hours drive west out of Melbourne. A planned holiday which has been in the making for months, what jubilations did we feel when finally we were able to live it. Four days off work, amongst great company, and the expectations of a seafood smorgasbord, our heighten exhilaration was thick in the air.

We hired out a seafront house for 3 nights, with all the inclinations of bringing back a lavish bundle of loot home, and a bundle we did bring! 6 hours later when we finally arrived at our destination, I was quick to take out my Canon dslr and capture our beautiful surroundings. The boys were eager to scope out the beach to learn the locations of people who were diving for lobsters, I took this as the perfect opportunity to further experiment with my dslr and gather as much experience as I can. The scenery around Port Mac was quite interesting, the contrast between the poluted (by humans), repugnant smelling marina and the beautifully fresh, ruggered, rough shorelines of the beach did not go unnoticed by me. This however did set up a good opportunity for me to take some photos.

While near the rocks, which is on the edge of the water, I came across this cute bike. The child had put all his fishing gear in the little carriage at the back of his bike! Back to basics with the locals. I couldnt help but take a photo.

We had just arrived at the house after 6 hours stuck in the car, we need to do something to release all the energy we had coped up. This was the result lol

Some of the crabs which we catch. That together with the alco and it was a great night! I know its mean to say, but crabs are incredibly stupid! We lured them out easily with our bait, and they didnt put up much of a struggle when we netted them out of the water. They are extremely easy to catch. Our process: bait was tied to a string, we dangle that bait in the water near the rocks. Slowly but surely, we spot their claws coming from underneath the rocks. They try to snatch the bait while still trying to hide, so I would slowly pull the bait away from them, trying to lure them from their hiding spots. Like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey!! As expected, they crept out from the rocks and WHOOSP, we got them!! As simple as tying your shoelaces

Someone wants to be Australia's next top model...

The coastlines around Port Mac were nothing short of spectacular. The water and rocks are ruggered but crystal clear on a good weathered day. We wanted to spend at least a day down by the beach, fishing and catching crabs. However, a few of us had the terrible fortune of catching a gastro bug that was going around our group over the entire course of our trip. Regrettably, I was one of those poor suckers!! Instead of enjoying the picturesque scenery and tranquility, I was in a nauseated state of mind.

One Nan's friend was diving for lobster, and came back up with a MASSIVE abalone! I was so amazed by the size that I couldnt help but take a pic. Nana and me, as a married couple, cue the 'aaawwww'

This is how to catch lobsters, while in Port Mac. All you need to do is tie bait to a string, dangle it infront of them, and wait for them to come out from the rocks. Sound easy? It actually isnt!! You need to research before taking action, you need to be aware of what time of day is best to lure them out. And they are fast little suckers!

One of the numerous fish which the boys caught over the course of the weekend. Also, that's Kai, my little nephew. He's adorable

Both Diva and I couldnt resist a photo op with the line that caught two fish at once!
The first two snappers which KimmieLim caught.

Muy and I thought it would be a great photo to have the two snappers kiss as we kissed! lol

Striking poses (who said fishing was boring?)...

So I thought I would go all out and do a few of my poses also. Supermodel? I think not! Carefree=hellyea!!

Kai my beautiful nephew, he is but a mere 4 months old and already he has the capacity to draw your utter and entire attention simply by smiling. Why is it, that the older you get, the less enchantment your smile has on others. It appears the more you know, the older you get, the less attention you can receive from others. No wonder there are tryhards/wannabes in the world, they obviously didnt grow out of that stage of wanting attentin from others.
It was Kai's first adventure out of Melbourne. He seemed to really enjoy himself, altho I'm not sure how happy he was to be bathed in a container, considering his mother didnt think it was important enough to bring his bath tub lol! There were alot of firsts for Kai over that weekend, his first road trip, his first time out of Melbourne, his first time to the beach, his first time setting foot on Aussie sand, it was truly a weekend of firsts. How lucky is he that aunty Kimmy was there to take photos and visually documentate it all for his 21st! Dont answer that, it was a rhetorical question

Those were all the lobsters which we caught for the whole weekend, pretty good

This is the few snappers which we caught, I regret not taking photos of all the fishes/crabs/lobsters which we caught

Happy family. Kai's first time at the beach. He step foot for the first time on sand also.

Happy Australia Day!!

Below is one of my fav shots of the weekend! I just love the colours of the sky and water!! How often do you see beautiful nature coasts with colours like that around metro Melbourne?

Sorry about all the photos, i just couldnt decide which photos to take out. Happy viewing.
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10 Responses
  1. Lisa Says:

    Nice losters! But where is Port Mac? Is it in the US?

  2. kimmysphere Says:

    Hi Lisa. Port Mac is actually in Australia, in the state of SA.

  3. Muysta Says:

    I love the photos and the laylout! Your becoming quite the photographer Kimmysphere! It really was a great weekend away and the awesome company just topped it off ;)

    I have to agree that crabs are a brainless species! They think with their tums tums and not with their heads. That is why we caught almost a whole bucket full of them! Keke

    The beaches at Port Mac was beautiful. So unpolluted and untouched. Australia really do have some of the best beaches in the world! Let’s go and explore some more!

    Lol! Molly saw our kissing photos and called us lesos!!! Haha! She’s just jealous ;)

    P.S Those lobsters look HUGE!!!!!

  4. kimmysphere Says:

    LOL Molz is just jealous!!
    Did you show her my blog?

    Thanks babes, Im always trying to improve my photography skills. Yes we def have to go away again. I think labour day is next on our list? hehe

    Thanks for commenting! :)

  5. cupcakes Says:

    I think I'm getting this whole model poses. Need me for your portfolio???

    So sorry for the gastro bug :( but I think it's karma..LOL
    If only there was a picture to show how isolated I was in the lounge...LMAO..

  6. kimmysphere Says:

    LOL yea we tried to stay away and still we got it. can you imagine how it would have been if we were close to you? haha kidding

    Did you check out the pose pdf i sent you? haha just copy it. Hey, didnt you say you were going to learn how to take good photos and take photos of me?

  7. Soobies Says:

    Hey Gorgeous!
    Looks like you guys had heaps of fun! (minus the gastro haha)
    the lobsters looked yummy hehe
    sorry, took so long for me to catch up on ur blog!
    btw, what's with all your poses having one leg bent?? is that like a cultural thing??
    and i totally agree, that last pic was the best!! so beautiful! almost like an ad for port mac haha


  8. kimmysphere Says:

    Hey sweet!!
    LOL stop being racist dude! No that pose is not a cultural thing. We were all sitting around one day and looking at magazines and we were like 'man, we should use some of these poses for our photos!' haha make it look more 'pro'. and we all really liked that pose and we've been trying to perfect it ever since, to no avail of course!

    thanks for checking out my blog!
    love ya long time!

  9. I love watching my daughter and my bestie fall flat on their faces! hahhah... that was SO classic! I'm glad that it's on auto reply!

  10. kimmysphere Says:

    Haha glad it's in auto reply coz your commenting on a post that was done months ago? It's very random of you!!