I wanted to wish everyone an early Australia day for Tuesday 26th! I hope everyone carried on the Aussie tradition by having a BBQ.

10 Responses
  1. Hi friend, peace...
    Your blog very interesting.
    But I have some questions for you:
    First, why were you believe that Jesus is your God?

    Second, what do you response? If you know that Jesus is created by Constantine (the Roman Emperor at 325 AC) and the leaders of Christians in Nicea Convention at 325 AC (After Christ).

    Third, how about this informations: (1) Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear O Israel Yahweh our God is the one, the only Yahweh." (2) Paul wrote that, "God is only one," in Galatians 3:20. (3) "I am Yahweh your God... You shall have no gods except Me," Exodus 20:2,3.

    Thanks for your answer.
    I hope we can be friend, although we have different perspective.
    If you willing visit my blog, and read my article at
    And... if you love books, don't forget to read The Holy Qur'an please...


  2. Eng Says:

    HAHAHAHA hey..your first stranger comment! see...told ya people will read your blog :P

  3. kimmysphere Says:

    LOL yea but random!!
    I didnt even talk about Jesus or god! haha

  4. KimmieLim Says:

    hahaha it is spam, I bet its a bot that goes through all the blogs and posts the same message. you don't really think he read your blog do you??

  5. kimmieLim Says:

    ohhh and where are the pics of the MASSIVE lobsters

  6. kimmysphere Says:

    haha i actually checked out his blog and he is an actual person!! And no i dont think he read my blog coz hello, i didnt write about god!

    LOL yea Port Mac is in draft stages atm. I'm organising heaps of pics to post up! Watch this space and come back soon! hehe

    P.S. Kimmie, check out the 'australia' photo. I found it off the web. Its actual people standing there writing those letters with the torch and a very slow shutter speed, like what we did!

  7. Gabba gabba! Says:

    Maybe you should get somebody to proofread your blog before posting it..... Aust day isn't on the 27th!! hahha

    Thought i'd point that out for ya!

  8. kimmysphere Says:

    LOL thanks Gabba!!
    Sorry, the 27th is my hubby's birthday, totally confused!! I've changed it now. Maybe I need someone other than me to proofread my blog, how embarrassing!

  9. kimmysphere Says:

    Gabba = Muysta!!
    Dam you! haha

  10. Muysta Says:

    LOL = i'm a funny ass!!!!