Woot woot!!
Then about 6 months ago, Part (my brother) decided to finally get an iphone. This was quite a revelation as he was the ultimate antagonist to the iphone. He was one of the most vocal people against the iphone phenomenon, yet he eventually succumbed to Apple’s propaganda and adhered to the iphone herd. From then on, all I heard were praises from him with regards to the iphone functionality and all the endless possibilities of apps one can download. Part has this uncanny predisposition to evoke enthusiasm from his audience when promoting a product. That was all I needed to cement my decision to take the plunge and submerge myself fully in the hype that is the iphone. Conclusively, I profess that I truly am a sheep who’s jumped onto the unstoppable bandwagon.![](http://i47.tinypic.com/2u78vtw.jpg)
Two: Iphone provides Bluetooth, however if you desired to connect to your friend’s phone via Bluetooth, then think again. Iphone simply wont allow it! That’s another free way that users used to exchange music, pictures and data; which Apple also managed to restrict. Everything comes back down to having to pay for everything from their stores (itune/apps store)
Three: Their camera is only a mere 3 mega pixel camera with no built in flash. While most phones are reaching the 5 mega pixel cameras and more, iphone is still stuck in its own technological time warp
Four: Incompetent speakers are all that’s bestowed upon you from your iphone. Turn up your speak volume to full blast and crackerling starts to pierce your ears
These are the only limitations that I’ve apprehended from my limited use of the phone. I’m sure there’s more as I keep playing and exploring its capabilities. However, as much limitations as the iphone does labour, it’s positives far outweigh its negatives. The iphone’s cute screen interface and user friendly functions make it a girl’s best friend. And not to mention the diverse range of apps (both free and a paid) which caters for all walks of life, it would be a long time before the phone’s novelty wears off. I’ve only just got my iphone and already I’m completely and entirely consumed by it, playing with it and constantly searching for that elusive perfect app.
If you have an iphone, leave a comment and let me know what you think about it? Also, if you have any suggestions for brilliant apps, please share it with everyone!! :)
Next gadget on my technological must-have list: Apple iPad!!!
*note: all photos are the property of Kimmysphere©
The day has finally arrived. I can now confidently announce that I have an iphone in my hot little hands!
Yes yes *rolls eyes*, I can sense what you’re all cogitating: Der, the iphone has been around like forever, why are you only getting it now?!
In all honestly, when the iphone was first released, I was amongst the few who weren’t swept away by Apple’s marketing. I saw it as just another Apple gimmick that computer nerds went gaga over. Albeit some of Apple’s products are stupendously clever, creative and innovative, but nothing that was revolutionary enough to warrant the mass hysteria which it was receiving. However, as time marched on, I started to hear rave reviews from friends who had the iphone, and this got me intrigued.
Then about 6 months ago, Part (my brother) decided to finally get an iphone. This was quite a revelation as he was the ultimate antagonist to the iphone. He was one of the most vocal people against the iphone phenomenon, yet he eventually succumbed to Apple’s propaganda and adhered to the iphone herd. From then on, all I heard were praises from him with regards to the iphone functionality and all the endless possibilities of apps one can download. Part has this uncanny predisposition to evoke enthusiasm from his audience when promoting a product. That was all I needed to cement my decision to take the plunge and submerge myself fully in the hype that is the iphone. Conclusively, I profess that I truly am a sheep who’s jumped onto the unstoppable bandwagon.
However, there are many limitations to the iphone which Apple has purposely created to restrict users, as well as earn themselves even more remunerations (not that they need or deserve anymore!) :
One: Ringtones! Most phones, even the inexpensive lower grade ones, allow you to download mp3 into your phone to use as a ringtone. But no, not Apple! Allowing such a thing would equate to no one buying the ringtones that they sell in itunes. God forbid that they should not benefit profitably from the craze of having current pop music as people’s ringtones. However, the brilliant computer/program hackers out there in the computer world still managed to devise a ways to get around this. If you want to know how, google is your friend! ;)
One: Ringtones! Most phones, even the inexpensive lower grade ones, allow you to download mp3 into your phone to use as a ringtone. But no, not Apple! Allowing such a thing would equate to no one buying the ringtones that they sell in itunes. God forbid that they should not benefit profitably from the craze of having current pop music as people’s ringtones. However, the brilliant computer/program hackers out there in the computer world still managed to devise a ways to get around this. If you want to know how, google is your friend! ;)
Two: Iphone provides Bluetooth, however if you desired to connect to your friend’s phone via Bluetooth, then think again. Iphone simply wont allow it! That’s another free way that users used to exchange music, pictures and data; which Apple also managed to restrict. Everything comes back down to having to pay for everything from their stores (itune/apps store)
Three: Their camera is only a mere 3 mega pixel camera with no built in flash. While most phones are reaching the 5 mega pixel cameras and more, iphone is still stuck in its own technological time warp
Four: Incompetent speakers are all that’s bestowed upon you from your iphone. Turn up your speak volume to full blast and crackerling starts to pierce your ears
These are the only limitations that I’ve apprehended from my limited use of the phone. I’m sure there’s more as I keep playing and exploring its capabilities. However, as much limitations as the iphone does labour, it’s positives far outweigh its negatives. The iphone’s cute screen interface and user friendly functions make it a girl’s best friend. And not to mention the diverse range of apps (both free and a paid) which caters for all walks of life, it would be a long time before the phone’s novelty wears off. I’ve only just got my iphone and already I’m completely and entirely consumed by it, playing with it and constantly searching for that elusive perfect app.
Next gadget on my technological must-have list: Apple iPad!!!
*note: all photos are the property of Kimmysphere©
Haha...soon you will be paid to make these reviews! ;)
LOL wow that would be AWESOME!!
Altho my review wasnt really a review, more like a bashing haha!
Good to know you're still reading my blog!
Lol wow you must really like your new toy if your willing to write about it!
Sorry lah i haven't jumped on board so i can't suggest any apps for you but great review!
*note: all comments are the property of Muysta©
Lol actually I do really love my iPhone. Although it's not really a review haha. I love ur note at the end lol !!
I phone SUXS!!!
Each to their own.
thanks for the comment
I love your new toy too, especially the line up game. Muysta if you were any good at the game, you might actually want the iphone as well..
Can't wait to get my. Yes, I know I'm a SHEEP!! No need to say anymore!!
hey when you getting your iphone?! Dont worry, everyone is a sheep coz seems like everyone has it. But it really is a good phone! I love mine!!!
LOL muy = sux at line up!!!