PT (you can check out his insightful blog here: )suggested that I should follow in his footsteps and fill out a little questionnaire, just to give everyone a little insight into the real kimmysphere. Hence, I thought I should oblige...

1. What is your favourite word? Legendary! I dont really use that word, I just like it. ha ha.

2. What is your lease favourite word? I dont really have one, but I do have a least favourite phrase which is 'just relax'! Especially when that phrase is said to me after a preventable situation has transpired to get me fired up in the first place. Ggrrr

3. What turns you on? An intellectual mind whom likes to challenge/questions things rather than take everything for face value.

4. What turns you off? People who try too hard. Just be yourself and everything else will fall into place.

5. What sound or noise do you love? The sound of music, it soothes my soul

6. What sound or noise do you hate? The sound of my alarm clock every weekday morning

7. What is your favourite curse word? For fuck sake!

8. What profession  other than your own would you like to attempt? Photographer, although I dont really have the knowledge or flair to be one!

9. What profession would you not like to attempt? CSI. I would hate to see dead people or crime scenes day in day out.

10. What would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? 'See! I told you I existed!'

Why don't you all give it a go?! Show us a little of yourself.

♥ ♥
4 Responses
  1. I love your answer for Q2!! If you were a cartoon character, you'd have steam coming out of your ears! LOL! I've seen it one too many times! LOL! Thanks for the idea babe and PT. I might put one up also. Ok time for beddy byes! xx

    Peace out!

  2. kimmysphere Says:

    LOL yea I thought everyone would know about Q2! It infuriates me to the bones!!! And yet Nan feels the need to do it just coz he wants to feel my wrath haha.

  3. ptang Says:

    cool! you did the questionnaire!
    ..and thanks for the mention.

    Agree with 3!

    ...and you need to just relax when Nan tells you to 'just relax'.

  4. kimmysphere Says:

    No worries PT.

    lol I can't just 'relax' because Nan always gives me the sh!tz. And then he says it, knowing that it would set me off again. He just knows my buttons!